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5 Tips For Planning Effective Salon Social Media Content

5 TIPS FOR PLANNING EFFECTIVE SALON SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT Have you ever sat down to write a post for Facebook or Instagram only to find that you’re staring at a blank screen wondering what to post about next? 😩 🥰 I hear this from salon owners time and time again, so this post will give […]

How to Create A Salon Marketing Plan And Beat COVID

rose in a vase and heading about salon marketing plan and beat covid

HOW TO CREATE A SALON MARKETING PLAN AND BEAT COVID In the wake of COVID-19 lockdown, there was a tsunami of appointments in the first few weeks and then a sharp drop in bookings after the initial flurry of committed clients caught up on their beauty needs. The cycle of clients has started to regulate; […]

5 Tips To Create Better Social Media Posts

girl taking photo on mobile phone

5 TIPS TO CREATE BETTER SALON SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Social media is a fabulous way of connecting with your current clients and keeping them engaged, especially while in lockdown. For some of us, the prospect of re-opening is still some time off. For others, it’s only a matter of days until we can open our […]

Action Cures Fear: 3 Salon Marketing Strategies You Must Do Now

woman dancing under a fountain of water

ACTION CURES FEAR: 3 SALON MARKETING STRATEGIES YOU MUST DO NOW There is no doubt that salon owners (and their employees) are suffering financial strain as government legislation around COVID-19 continues to keep salon doors closed. Some salons will re-open in a matter of weeks. Others will have continued uncertainty well into (or even beyond) […]

12 Strategies To Keep Your Salon Alive During COVID-19

12 STRATEGIES TO KEEP YOUR SALON ALIVE DURING COVID-19 It’s been two weeks since we went into lockdown and I know many of you are feeling uneasy and anxious about how to keep your business flourishing despite the setback of COVID-19. Many of you are asking yourselves… Will I have a business to return to? […]

How To Develop A Winning Salon Marketing Promotion

Girl working on a computer

SALON PROMOTIONS HOW TO DEVELOP A WINNING SALON MARKETING PROMOTION A well-put-together salon marketing promotion can be very lucrative for your business, but only if you create the conditions for success. Many salon owners struggle to achieve their promotional goals simply because they have not built a campaign with all the necessary components. A successful […]

7 Tips To Get Your Salon Till Ringing This Festive Season

Lady with arms in the air smiling

7 TIPS TO GET YOUR SALON TILL RINGING THIS FESTIVE SEASON The busy festive season is a great opportunity to get your till ringing with Christmas joy. Why not maximise this time with these seven simple marketing strategies that will increase your revenue! GIFT CERTIFICATES: giving the gift of beauty is a no-brainer and a […]

How To Set Your Salon Pricing With Confidence

Pink Piggy Bank

HOW TO SET YOUR SALON PRICING WITH CONFIDENCE This week I had the privilege of interviewing Kaz Staples, former managing director, founder and owner of Pure Delish – an award-winning company that produces premium breakfast cereals, snack bars, slabs, bites and biscuits. Kaz recently sold her company following an incredible 22 years in business. I […]

4 Simple Salon Marketing Search Strategies: Get Found Online

female hands on an ipad with Google search loaded

4 SIMPLE SALON MARKETING SEARCH STRATEGIES: GET FOUND ONLINE Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must for any salon looking to be found online when prospective clients go searching on Google for your business. Google rewards websites that have been optimized for the web by moving those websites up in the search listings – the […]

Upselling & Cross-Selling In Your Salon With Confidence

UPSELLING & CROSS-SELLING IN YOUR SALON WITH CONFIDENCE I often hear salon owners tell me they (or their staff) lack confidence in upselling and/or cross selling to their clients for fear of coming across as too pushy or sales driven. What if my client feels uncomfortable and then decides not to come back? What if […]