How to Create an Effective Marketing Plan That Gets Results

HOW TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE MARKETING PLAN THAT GETS RESULTS With summer fast approaching, many salons will be brimming with clients seeking their summer beauty treatments so they can enjoy the beach, social occasions and general well-being. But what can you do when the festive season is over and client bookings start to taper off […]
Three Ways To Improve Your Salon Business

THREE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SALON BUSINESS I was talking to a salon owner recently and she asked me, “how do I improve my salon business?” As a Salon Marketer, I found this a big question to answer but when I thought about it, I was able to boil it down to three simple things. […]
Find a Cool Name For Your Salon

WHAT’S IN A NAME? When it comes to naming a newborn baby there are countless books written on the subject and entire websites devoted to the topic. New parents write endless lists of options and sometimes the debate continues right up to the end of the nine-month arrival. But what about naming your business? It […]
Purpose Built Salon Marketing: Let’s Do This Together

PURPOSE-BUILT SALON MARKETING Hi, my name is Kirsten McHarg and I created Savvy Salon Marketing for you – a salon or spa owner who wants to do better in business through marketing that works. Let’s face it, many of us in the salon and spa industry want more clients; we want them to be loyal, […]