How to Create A Salon Marketing Plan And Beat COVID

HOW TO CREATE A SALON MARKETING PLAN AND BEAT COVID In the wake of COVID-19 lockdown, there was a tsunami of appointments in the first few weeks and then a sharp drop in bookings after the initial flurry of committed clients caught up on their beauty needs. The cycle of clients has started to regulate; […]
5 Tips To Create Better Social Media Posts

5 TIPS TO CREATE BETTER SALON SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Social media is a fabulous way of connecting with your current clients and keeping them engaged, especially while in lockdown. For some of us, the prospect of re-opening is still some time off. For others, it’s only a matter of days until we can open our […]
Action Cures Fear: 3 Salon Marketing Strategies You Must Do Now

ACTION CURES FEAR: 3 SALON MARKETING STRATEGIES YOU MUST DO NOW There is no doubt that salon owners (and their employees) are suffering financial strain as government legislation around COVID-19 continues to keep salon doors closed. Some salons will re-open in a matter of weeks. Others will have continued uncertainty well into (or even beyond) […]
12 Strategies To Keep Your Salon Alive During COVID-19

12 STRATEGIES TO KEEP YOUR SALON ALIVE DURING COVID-19 It’s been two weeks since we went into lockdown and I know many of you are feeling uneasy and anxious about how to keep your business flourishing despite the setback of COVID-19. Many of you are asking yourselves… Will I have a business to return to? […]